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Botanika Nature Residences Brings Generosity Of Space To Condo Living

In this increasingly crowded metropolis that we live in, freedom of space has become a rare commodity. There is, however, a unique luxur...

In this increasingly crowded metropolis that we live in, freedom of space has become a rare commodity. There is, however, a unique luxury condominium development that marries ease and convenience to give city dwellers the feeling that they are in a subdivision instead of a high-rise: Botanika Nature Residences by Filigree, the new gold standard in luxury real estate today. 

Rising on a 1.55-hectare prime property within a secluded section of the progressive Filinvest City in Alabang, Botanika Nature Residences features a bioclimactic architecture from the creative minds of Architecture International and Leandro V. Locsin Partners. It is a private enclave with three mid-rise, low-density condominium buildings set on varying topography and bound together by lots of greenery.

“It is the whole idea that it is a condominium unit, but there is this village quality, the opportunity to bump into your neighbors to share space, to interact this way if you want to,” says Andy Locsin of Leandro V. Locsin Partners, Botanika’s Architect of Record.

The abundance in space is reflected in Botanika’s modern and generously-sized residential units, each with a balcony, that reinforces the feeling of exclusive village living.

Now ready for occupancy, Botanika Tower 1 has a variety of finely crafted units with a minimum of two bedrooms. All the units are designed to anticipate their future owners’ distinctive lifestyles.

The two-bedroom deluxe unit is perfect for those with varied pursuits and passions—art, travel, sports, or business. With 123 to 129 square meters of space, it can be a weekend sanctuary, a cozy and intimate pied-à-terre. The two-bedroom premier, 135 to 143 square meters, is ideal for a young couple or a new family, allowing for hours of bonding and strengthening family ties. The three-bedroom premier is best for a growing family. With up to 218 square meters of space, there is more space to enjoy. For the few who like grander accommodations, the Garden unit offers spaces from 213 to 327 square meters, while the penthouse unit is divided into spaces from 135 to 343 square meters.
Aside from the luxury of space, what sets Botanika apart is structure and location. Residents enjoy utmost exclusivity and the assurance that their view will remain unobstructed, thanks to a carefully masterplanned layout and sheltered ambiance.

“Botanika is a modern rendition of a grand stately home in a mid-rise development to let residents indulge in luxurious breathing space, a rarity today,” says Filigree head Kate Ilagan. 

To learn more about Botanika and the luxurious, green living it offers, visit


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Mommy Bloggers Philippines: Botanika Nature Residences Brings Generosity Of Space To Condo Living
Botanika Nature Residences Brings Generosity Of Space To Condo Living
Mommy Bloggers Philippines
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